Get A Leg Up On Yeast Infections With This Article

Get A Leg Up On Yeast Infections With This Article


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Nobody should need to fight in vain against a yeast infection. However, an infection can take grasp of anyone that isn’t prepared, causing a disruption in your daily activities. Learn to both prevent them, and treat them, with the following advice.


Working up a sweat creates a warm, moist environment on your skin. This kind of environment can be very friendly to yeast growth. Wear clothing that’s made of natural materials. This will help you combat the accumulation of moisture. Avoid wearing synthetics, such as nylon or spandex. These fabrics will trap sweat and lock in the humidity.


After you go swimming, you need to change into dry clothes as soon as possible. Wearing a wet bikini bottom is a big cause of yeast infections. Moisture is a breeding ground for yeast. If you cannot change or do not have dry clothes, use a blow dryer on a cool setting to dry the area and your suit.


Limit your intake of sugar during an infection. Yeast thrives on the presence of sugar, and sugar is found in much of your diet if you are not vigilant. Cheeses and other dairy, breads and alcohol are some of the primary sources of sugars that yeast will consume in an effort to flourish.


To cut down on the number of yeast infections you have, keep the vaginal area clean. Use unscented soap on that area and be sure to pat the area dry when cleansing is complete. The bacteria that causes the infection thrives in moist, dark areas so be sure to keep the area clean and dry.


Not only is it important that you wash well to prevent yeast infections, but it is important that you also thoroughly dry the genital area. Yeast tends to form in areas that are moist or damp, especially near the vagina. If you have a hard time getting rid of excess moisture with a towel, do not be afraid to use a blow dryer and a low, cool setting.


Avoid having sex. Yeast infections can be spread between partners during sexual intercourse. Even after your yeast infection, it is advisable to wait several weeks to a month before engaging in sexual activity. If you decide to have sex regardless, be sure that you use a condom just in case.


A major cause of yeast infections is the way you wipe when you have a bowel movement. When you wipe from back to front, you are transferring bacteria from the rectum to the vagina. These bacterias increase your chances of developing a yeast infection. Always wipe from front to back.


Try not to wear pantyhose too often. Pantyhose are made of synthetic materials, and they make it difficult for air to get to the vaginal region. A lack of air can lead to a damp area down there. The result can be a yeast infection. To stay healthy, try using a little sunless tanning product on your legs instead!


If you have a yeast infection, you should avoid douching for a couple of weeks. You need to wait and let your vagina fight the yeast infection without washing off the good bacteria by douching. If you want to make the itching and burning go away, take a cold bath.


Avoid scrapes and scratches in the vaginal area. A small cut on your vaginal area can lead to a yeast infection. Sex and the use of tampons can cause these perforations. Be careful when it comes to both activities. If yeast infections happen to you often, try not to have sex that is too rough.


Keep cool. Yeast tends to thrive in warm environments. Try to keep your vaginal area cool and dry by not taking long hot baths. Also avoid soaking in hot tubs. When the weather is warm, be especially conscious of the clothes that you wear. Don’t wear anything too tight that will keep air from cooling your vaginal area.


There are many over-the-counter treatments that work well with yeast infections. These include Ticonazole, Miconazole, Butoconazole and Clotrimazole. Use them by gently massaging it into the affected area for the amount of days recommended in the directions. However, it is important to avoid these products if you are currently pregnant.


If you suffer from recurring yeast infections, it’s important to try and figure out what’s causing it. Although it is not always easy to discover an underlying cause, it can be done by looking objectively at your lifestyle. You could be getting yeast infections because of your choices of clothing, sexual partners, diet or even birth control method.


Exercise is a great preventative measure for fighting off yeast infections. Exercise will boost your bodies immune system and contribute to overall good health. Remember that when you exercise, you need to change out of your sweaty workout clothes as soon as possible because this moisture can lead to yeast infections.


Try to reduce your stress levels. Too much stress can weaken your immune system and leave you more susceptible to yeast infections. Try to avoid stress as a preventative measure. If you are currently suffering from a yeast infection, remaining too stressed out might exacerbate your infection. Practice some calming activities.


If you have a yeast infection, you may want to get your sexual partner checked. If your partner is affected by the infection, it can be transmitted to you during intercourse. Make sure that if you are practicing sex, to use protection so the chances of transmittal is minimal at best.


If you have a mild yeast infection right before your period is supposed to start, you may be able to wait it out. The pH of the vagina becomes unsuitable for yeast growth when your period begins, and it will probably clear up on its own. This can be very uncomfortable in the meantime, however.


A great tip to remember if you want to avoid getting a yeast infection is to avoid soaps that are scented. It might smell good but all those chemicals can cause a disruption in your body, more specifically upsetting your PH balance. Try sticking with non-scented soaps and body washes.


A yeast infection can really make any woman miserable. By now, you’ve gotten plenty of good advice for handling them. Life goes by too quickly to put things on hold in your life because of a yeast infection.

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