Advice For Dealing With A Yeast Infection

Advice For Dealing With A Yeast Infection


People have the wrong idea that yeast infections are always caused by women not taking good care of their personal hygiene. While that is one of the ways that yeast infections occur, there are many other ways. Keep reading to find out what the lesser known ways are to become the victim of a yeast infection.


Make sure you always wear natural cotton panties. While underwear or tights made from silky nylon or polyester look and feel good, they tend to trap moisture. Cotton panties allow air circulation, and your vagina needs to be able to breathe. This can prevent an infection all together.


An excellent tip for preventing yeast infections is to always change your clothes after a workout. The sweaty gym clothes that you wear can cause a yeast infection. The moisture is held right next to your skin and will increase the chances of you contracting a yeast infection. So change and dry yourself right after a workout.


Stay away from scented feminine hygiene products. The chemicals used to create those pleasing scents can alter your body’s natural pH. This creates an environment that is perfect for a colony of yeast to develop. Bypass the scented pads and tampons and opt for all natural products, free from chemical scents and dyes.


There are certain foods you can avoid eating to prevent yeast infections. Candida is a trigger of yeast infections and it thrives on foods that are high in sugar, yeast, caffeine, sulphates and moldy foods, like dairy products. Avoiding these foods will increase your chances of avoiding yeast infections altogether.


Avoid tight-fitting pants and shorts. A yeast infection will thrive in a warm environment, and tight-fitting clothing can make you more prone to heat build up and sweating. Avoid this by wearing loose, relaxed pants and shorts, or wear skirts that will help to keep you cool as the day wears on.


Get out of your sweaty work clothes as soon as you are able. Dampness can worsen or even cause yeast infections. If you are someone who works out, be sure to change out of your exercise clothes as soon as possible. Take a shower and dry off thoroughly before changing into something else.


If you have recurring yeast infections, review what you usually eat. Foods that are high in sugar are often to blame as they procure the breeding and multiplication of the needed bacteria. You should replace unhealthy snacks with fruits and nuts and drink water instead of soda.


Get out of your sweaty work clothes as soon as you are able. Dampness can worsen or even cause yeast infections. If you are someone who works out, be sure to change out of your exercise clothes as soon as possible. Take a shower and dry off thoroughly before changing into something else.


Be aware that although certain medications may help you, others can increase your chances of getting yeast infections. For instance, when you take an antibiotic when you are sick, you don’t only kill bad bacteria you will also kill the good bacteria that will help you fight against yeast infections. If this becomes an issue for you, speak with your doctor.


If you are prone to yeast infections, be especially careful during sexual intercourse. Take care to avoid any positions that could cause the transfer of yeast or rectal bacteria to your vaginal area. Also, after sexual intercourse, urinate to try to flush any harmful bacteria out of your system.


If you are breastfeeding and suffering from thrush, a type of yeast infection, make sure to treat both yourself and your baby. If you do not treat both your breasts and your baby’s mouth, the yeast will continue to multiply, and you will not find the cure you are looking for.


If you suspect that you have a yeast infection, and you have never had one before, see your doctor. He or she can give you an accurate diagnosis. This is important, because there are other serious infections that can mimic the symptoms of a yeast infection. Treating the wrong infection will prolong your misery and could lead to long-term problems for your reproductive system.


Take antibiotics with caution if you are prone to yeast infections. Antibiotics are the most common medicine-related cause of yeast infections so make sure you really need the medicine, or risk the consequences. Have a fast acting remedy on hand for yeast infections when ever you have to take antibiotics.


A good prevention tip is to avoid tight clothes that restrict air flow. This is due to the fact that yeast prospers in the moist and warm climates these types of clothes create.


Always watch where you’re wiping. Any time you use the bathroom, but especially after a bowel movement, it is important to remember to wipe from front to back instead of back to front. If you wipe from back to front, you risk transferring yeast and fecal bacteria to your vagina, which can cause infections.


Consider visiting your doctor. If you are experiencing yeast infections regularly, do not just keep treating it with over the counter medications. Make an appointment with your doctor. It is important that you figure out what is causing your yeast infections and begin taking measures to prevent them from reoccurring.


To cut down on your chances or impact from a yeast infection, stay thoroughly hydrated. The often you urinate, the more likely you are to flush excess sugars out of your system. This drastically cuts down on both your chances of a yeast infection and the lifespan of any current ones.


Now that you have read about several ways that you can end up with a yeast infection, hopefully you are much more careful in the future. While it is fairly easy to treat yeast infections, they are not something that you should have to deal with on a regular basis.


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