Chemical Peels To Help With Acne

For certain people, chemical peels for acne scars prove to be highly beneficial when looking outside natural acne remedies. For years, chemical peels have been a viable solution to help scars fade although a person would have many other treatment options to consider such as acne cream for scars. Due to a high level of effectiveness, chemical peels are still considered one of the best options and thanks to improvements in chemicals but also processes, this has gained increase popularity for the person with acne as well as doctors.

The Way Chemical Peels are Performed

By removing the top layer of skin, a person’s skin would heal with a new layer and scars would soften, giving the individual’s skin a much better appearance and texture. Undamaged skin under the top layer would be exposed so once healing is complete, it now becomes the new top layer so any scarring would have been removed or improved dramatically. More youthful looking skin is yet another benefit of chemical peels since the new top layer is fresh and rejuvenated.

Because chemical peels for acne scars involve chemicals but also change to the skin, anyone thinking about this solution should first seek advised from a highly respected and licensed cosmetic surgeon. During the consultation, this professional would be able to tell a person whether he or she is a good candidate for this procedure or if another type of acne scar removal would be better. Degree of scarring, type of acne, severity of acne breakouts, color of skin, and oil level in the person’s skin would all be determining factors of being a good candidate for chemical peels.

Kinds of Chemical Peels

Many people are surprised to learn that there are a number of different kinds of chemical peels based on the type of acne and severity of acne a person has. Below is information that would help educate a person regarding the different possibilities for each situation.

o Alphahydroxy and Betahydroxy Acids – Of all chemicals used, these are two of the mildest. Because chemicals used are not very intense, they work best on people with mild scarring. Although a little irritation and redness would be expected for a few days, chemical peels with these chemicals require no healing time. Chemical peels should be performed every four to six weeks for the best results in getting acne scars to fade although sometimes, an individual would need fewer treatments or perhaps a few more.

o Salicylic Acid – Another one of the top choices of chemical peels for acne scars is with this type of acid. Another mild chemical, someone with mild scarring would benefit but this chemical peel is also a great choice in that recovery time is minimal and side effects only slight, if at all.

o Phenol and Trichloroacetic Acid – For larger or more stubborn acne scars, these chemicals are often used. Being more intense acids used in chemical peels, deeper layers of a person’s skin would be penetrated. Typically, the outcome is better than a person could imagine but because deeper layers of skin are involved, healing time is much longer. In exchange for remarkable improvement, there would be a much greater risk for side effects with the harsher chemicals. Someone with severe acne scarring would find out if chemical peels of this kind would be a viable treatment when meeting with the medical professional.

Chemical Peel Alternative

While chemical peels are an excellent method for treating acne scarring, other chemicals could be used, again based on factors such as type and severity of scarring, skin color, skin type, and even skin texture. However, there is an alternative to the more traditional chemical peel with a process called a TCA peel. In addition to being an effective and safe option for diminishing acne scars, the TCA Peel is beneficial for lightening tattoos, removing sun and age spots, and closing large pores.

When the outer layer of a person’s skin is covered with dead or damaged skin cells, bacteria develops, which in turn causes an infection to clog pores. However, using the TCA Peel, the top layer of skin is removed so growth of bacteria stops, allowing a person’s skin to heal so overall, acne scars begin to diminish but also, skin looks more youthful and healthy.

After you have exhausted home remedies for acne However, a TCA peel offers other benefits such as increasing circulation and blood flow to tissue whereby skin cell production is stimulated. This procedure also encourages collagen and elastin fiber production whereby skin would look amazing but also be stronger. Although a person with acne scars would have several viable options for chemical peels, the TCA Peel is now being regarded as one of the best methods available.

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